Private Equity – Investment Banking Course for Dearmakers (Analyst level)

You want to work as a Private Equity Associate or an Investment Banking consultant?

However, your chance to get a job in this industry can be quite low, because:

  • You do not have enough knowledge on Private Equity and Investment Banking in order to be qualified for the interview round
  • You also have no experience in implementing Private Equity investments or M&A deals
  • You do not know how to analyse the company, your investment report does not meet the statndard, your financial model is not professionally build, and you do not have full understanding on the legal documents of the transaction, etc.
  • And you also do not have the mindset and soft skills required for a Private Equity and M&A dealmaker

To increase your chances of finding a job in Private Equity or Investment Banking

You may need a lot of time and effort for

  • Working as a securities broker, auditor, credit officer, market research officer, etc. to gain diverse experience and skills
  • Self-studying and learn about Private Equity and Investment Banking through books and online courses
  • Taking an executive MBA course to accumulate the necessary knowledge

You can also choose a solution that is less time-consuming and costly, yet much faster:

Attending Professional Training Course on Private Equity and Investment Banking

  • Less self-study is required as there will be experts to guide and advise you
  • Shorten the time frame as you don’t need to go through multiple jobs to accumulate experience
  • Lower costs and shorter duration compared to pursuing an MBA or other university degrees
  • High applicability, as you will only learn what is applied in your work

Pursuing a Course on Private Equity and Investment Banking Course for Dearmakers (Analyst Level)

A 5-week online training program for analysts and final year students

The Training Course includes 7 modules:

Module Contents Contents highlights
Module 1: Foundation Industry landscape – PE and IB Processes – Career path Overview of the PE – IB industry, PE – IB transaction process and introduction to the career ladder of the PE and IB industry
Module 2: Core knowledge Economics Summary of economic knowledge applied in the process of implementating PE and IB tasks
Corporate Finance Summary of fundamental corporate finance knowledge used in PE and IB work
Quantitative methods Summary of basic quantitative calculation methods used in PE and IB work
Business management and administration Overview of the main functional areas of a business: Production, Supply and Procurement, Marketing and Sales, Human Resource Management, Accounting – Finance, foundational knowledge about businesses for business analysis
Corporate governance and corporate administrative framework Overview of business management, introduction to the issues between principals and agents, principles of business management, and legal framework for business management.
Legal framework: Enterprise Law, Securities Law Guidance on the legal framework used in PE and IB transactions: the Enterprise Law and the Securities Law
Module 3: Analysis 3 levels of analysis and tools: Macro, Industry, and Company analysis Introduction to the three levels of analysis in a deal: macro economic analysis, industry analysis, and company analysis
Macro-economic and Industry Analysis: tools and application Introduction to analysis tools and how to apply them to macroeconomic and industry analysis
Company analysis: tools and application Introduction to analysis tools for company analysis and how to apply them
Financial Statement analysis: Tools and application Introduction to financial statement analysis steps and tools used in the analysis process
Conducting research: tools and application Introduction to research tools and how to conduct research
Module 4: Report Report structure, Principles in writing a report Introduction to report structure and principles of writing reports and Confidential Information Memorandum
Writing and presenting a PE investment report and an IB memorandum Introduction to writing and presenting PE investment reports and analysis reports in the IB industry
Module 5: Modeling Working with Excel: principles, rules and key functions for modeling Introduction to principles and rules when using Excel and common Excel functions in financial modeling
Financial Model: Structure – Elements – Working mechanism Introduction to financial modeling structure, components, and linkage mechanisms between components
Financial Model: Structure – Elements – Working mechanism Introduction to financial modeling with 3 financial statement reports, components, and step-by-step modeling process
Model and modeling: Principles- Rules and Tips Introduction to principles, rules, Do’s and Don’ts in the financial modeling process
Building simple 3-statement financial model Practical exercises on how to build a simple financial model in the form of 3 financial statement reports
Valuation methods in PE – IB and valuation model Introduction to business valuation methods used in the PE – IB industry and guidance on practicing valuation modeling
Basic risk analysis: Sensitivity and Scenario analysis Introduction to basic risk analysis methods and using Excel to analyze sensitivity and scenario analysis
Module 6: Transaction Key legal documents used in PE and IB transactions Introduction to the main legal documents used in PE and IB transactions
Basic legal documents: NDA and Term Sheet / LOI Introduction to 2 basic legal documents in PE and IB transactions: NDA and Term Sheet / LOI
Module 7: Attitude-Soft skills PE and IB: Career Qualities Framework Presentation and guidance on the qualities required for PE – IB profession: ethics, attitude, professionalism, and soft skills
Fundamental business skills Introduction to the most basic soft skills needed for success in the job
Presentation slides: principles, rules, dos and don’ts Introduction to principles, rules, and tips with Do’s and Don’ts when preparing presentation slides

Information on online training course Private Equity and Investment Banking for Dearmakers (Analyst level)

  • Fee: VND8,900,000
  • Format: Online
  • Class schedule: Tuesday and Thursday, from 18:30 to 21:00


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